Installing IPTV Smarters Pro on Chromecast with Google TV

With the introduction of its newer Chromecast with Google TV, Google has entered the market of streaming devices for home use. This high performance, Android based platform is 4K compatible and fully integrated with any Google Home environment.

Do not be confused by the older generation Google Chromecast devices as they are not made for streaming video or IPTV. They were designed to simply mirror whatever is playing (or streaming) on your smartphone or PC to your TV and are not capable of loading IPTV Smarters Pro. One easy way to tell the difference is that the newer Google Chromecast with Google TV has a remote control. The older versions do not.

Like other “proprietory” boxes (ie. Firesticks, etc), Google makes it a little more difficult to add 3rd party apps. However, with a small amount of effort, it is easily accomplished, opening up your device to be fully customizable.

Here are the 5 steps which allow you to open up your Chromecast with Google TV and install and configure IPTV Smarters Pro

1: Download the Chromecast application “Downloader” from the Google App Store
2: Configure your “Chromecast with Google TV” device to allow access in “Developers Mode”
3: Allow the Downloader app to work with “Unknown Sources”
4: Download and Install “IPTV Smarters Pro”
5: Configure “IPTV Smarters Pro”

Below is a detailed step by step walk through of the process, including screenshots..

Step 1: Download the application “Downloader” from the Google App Store

• Start your Google Chromecastt and click “Search“within its main menu

• Type in “Downloader app” within the search bar and click the search icon.

• Select Downloader by AFTVnews under Apps

• Click Install

Step 2: Configure your “Chromecast with Google TV” to allow access in “Developers Mode”

Go back to the main Chromecast menu and click the circular button with the “i” in it.

Then select Settings

Under Setting, select System

Click nn About

Finally, click the Android TV OS build button approximately 7 times. You will see a message that Developer Mode have been enabled

Step 3: Allow Downloader to work with “Unknown Sources”

• Click back twice until you see the Settings Menu again. Select Apps.

• Click Security & Restrictions (It is at the very bottom and you may have to scroll down to see it)

• Move to the right side of the screen where apps are listed. You should see Downloader
• Click on the blue selector to allow “Unknown sources” for the Downloader app

Step 4: Download and Install “IPTV Smarters Pro”

Go back to the Chromecast main menu and under Apps find and launch the Downloader app. If you see the following prompt click Allow

Click OK on Quick Start Screen if it appears.

Select the URL box

Enter the the following url exactly to download IPTV Smarters Pro

Click on “Go”

Once you have downloaded the file it will ask you if you want to proceed with installation. Go ahead and select “Install”.

Once completed you will find IPTV Smarters Pro in your Chromecast apps section..
Step 5: Configure “IPTV Smarters Pro”

“Start” IPTV Smarters Pro by clicking on it from the Chromecast app menu. {Note you may have to scroll all the way to the right and click “See all” to make it visible).
Accept the terms of use.

Select “Login with Xtream Codes API”

This will take you to the Add User Screen

 Enter in name as JGTV
 Enter Username and Password provided to you in confirmation email. (Case Sensitive)
 Enter server url Provided in your order confirmation email (Case Sensitive)
 Select Add User.

Once channels and movies have loaded select Live TV

 Select the 3 dots on the top right

Select Refresh TV Guide. The guide will load.

Go back to the main screen of the IPTV Smarters Pro app select the settings wheel at the top right.

Select Player Settings.
Change this to Hardware Decoder and save changes.
Back to the main screen

That is it!!!!!!

Your Chromecast with Google TV is all set up and you are ready to enjoy IPTV Smarters Pro.

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